Vijayawada: The Election Commission of India (ECI) has implemented a ban on exit polls during both general and assembly elections, prohibiting their conduct until the completion of the electoral processes.

Under the directive issued by the ECI Chief, electoral officers nationwide have been tasked with ensuring the enforcement of this ban from April 19 to June 1, 2024. Print, electronic, and social media platforms are all prohibited from conducting or publishing any exit or opinion polls during this period.

In adherence to the directive, the ECI has called upon the Chief Electoral Officers (CEOs) of all states to officially announce and publish the ban in their respective state gazettes.

Meanwhile, Mukesh Kumar Meena, the Chief Electoral Officer of Andhra Pradesh (AP), has commenced a comprehensive state-wide tour aimed at overseeing election preparations. Meena initiated his inspection of infrastructure arrangements in various districts, commencing with Eluru district on Friday. During his visit, Meena scrutinized the strong rooms and Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), gathering insights into the measures undertaken to enhance voter turnout in the upcoming elections. District Collector V Prasanna Venkatesh provided Meena with a briefing on these initiatives.

Additionally, Meena has directed his attention towards addressing complaints received from opposition parties regarding volunteers campaigning for the ruling party on social media platforms and WhatsApp groups catering to beneficiaries of various welfare schemes.