Donald Trump may have won the presidential race by taking home the electoral votes by a huge margin. But with the popular vote still in count Hillary Clinton takes a lead on Donald Trump with a margin of 2 million votes.

The votes still counting, with two weeks down the lane, the Cook political report tallies Donald Trump at 62.2mn and Clinton at 64.2mn. This is the fifth time that a Presidential candidate has won the popular vote but has lost the election.

Democrat Al Gore’s final lead over George W bush was 5,44,000 in 2000 Presidential election race. But the Supreme court finally decided that Mr. Bush as the winner who contested in the Florida state.

Democrat Al Gore, Vice President with then President George W Bush.

Democrat Al Gore, Vice President with then President George W Bush.

In a repeat of incidents, Mrs. Clinton scored huge tallies in California, but Donald Trump won swing states which decided the outcome of the elections. The electoral college system mostly favors candidates who win by marginal differences than those that win by landslide in a few. Some of the lawyers, academicians, and analysts repeatedly urged Hillary Clinton’s team for help in investigating rigging of votes for recounting in some major states.

Amidst this Donald Trump, the president-elect, issued a Thanksgiving message. He urged the country to join his efforts in ‘Rebuilding the country’. “Emotions are raw and tensions just don’t heal overnight,” he quoted in the video. He also added , “It doesn’t go quickly, unfortunately, but we have before us the chance now to make history together to bring real change to Washington, real safety to our cities, and real prosperity to our communities, including our inner cities.

On Wednesday he appointed two new members to the government he is set to form on January 20, 2017. Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador and Besty DeVos got appointed as education secretary.