Texas: We usually count our sneeze on a normal basis, but what if our sneeze count toll up to 12,000 in a day? Shocked!
A schoolgirl has been left in constant pain from a mystery condition which causes her to sneeze 12,000 times a day.
Katelyn Thornley,12, has been sneezing for more than 20 times in a minute for the past month and has visited six doctors but no one could figure out the cause.
Girl Sneezes
Medics do not believe the sneezing which has caused the youngster to miss school, is caused by allergies or a virus, CBS News reported. The sneeze only stop when Katelyn, from Angleton, Texas, sleeps – which she manages by taking Benadryl and listening to Beatles music.
Girl Sneezes 1200 times a day
The incessant sneezing is now starting to take its toll. “It just started in little spurts. I just started sneezing. I thought it was like, oh, I’m just allergic to something but now, the sneezing fits are taking a serious toll. I’m constantly in pain with my abdomen, my legs are hurting because I’ve been weak and I can barely eat.” Katelyn said.

“Sometimes I wish I could leave my body for a little while so I could watch myself sleep because even in my dreams, I sneeze,” Katelyn added.
Katelyn’s parents have disclosed in public with their daughters plight in the hope that somebody with knowledge can acknowledge the condition she might be suffering from will come forward and offer help.


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