Hyderabad: A mother and son bond is considered one of the strongest one, but not in this case. A mother repeatedly tortured her six year old son.
K. Kiran, a resident of Moti Nagar and the victim’s father approached an NGO Balala Hakkula Sangam to save the kid from his wife. He mentioned that his wife was torturing and brutally beating up his son daily.

“On September 10 for no reason my son was injured with a hot ladle. My wife took photos and shared it with her sister and other relatives. Recently, she beat up my son with a sneaker which resulted in his left eye lid getting badly injured” he said. He mentioned that the child was very fond of him. Mr. Kiran also feared that his son was also verbally abused for no reason.


Balala Hakkula Sangam honorary president Achyutha Rao said that action would be taken against the boy’s mother after an investigation by the child protection cell and Child line.

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