Do we actually know about what kind of stress we give to our body by wearing skinny jeans to cover our fat? Skinny jeans are not just fashionable about also a reason for visiting hospital. According to a report published in the British specialist publication A women of 35 year old of Australia was admitted in a hospital as she was unable to walk or move her toes nor ankles properly, her leg was severely swollen due to the tight jeans. As she had spent hours sitting on her haunches and worked around, while wearing skinny Jeans.


Skinny jeans can hospitalize you

When you wear skinny jeans, it interferes with the blood circulation from the leg to the heart. While the heart continues to pump blood to the legs, there is little that goes back to the heart because of the tight and restrictive clothing, due to this the blood starts to accumulate, which leads to swelling. “People who are obese, diabetic and even those who smoke should stay away from tight jeans, for good health and wealthy living.

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