So here is your daily dose of madness. The Nagpur Government Railway Police have claimed that the reason behind 25 kg of marijuana and much liquor disappearing is due to a rat infestation. Yes, you read it right – rats!

marijuana and liqor ate by rats in nagpur

When approached by The Mirror, Abhay Panhekar, senior inspector, Nagpur GRP, said that the drugs and the liquor in question were seized around five years ago, though he was not sure about the amount, or the number of bottles that were missing, if at all they were. “The seized commodities were measured five years ago. It would be difficult for us to confirm if there has been any pilferage. We do not have proper storage facilities for seized items, and we are at times forced to keep the drug (sic) on the floor, and maybe some rats could have been damaging the pouches in which the marijuana is kept,” said Panhekar. He also stated that some plastic liquor bottles too have been damaged by rats, causing the alcohol to evaporate.

Nagpur Police says rats ate marijuana

Additionally, Sabherao Patil, superintendent of police, GRP, Nagpur, has confirmed that a new store room is being built for seized items. “We will also be installing a CCTV in the store room,” said Patil although he declined to comment on the missing quantities of marijuana and liquor.

Certainly one of the weirder explanations that you have come across in quite some time. Whether or not this story holds solid is for you to believe but at least we got a good laugh!

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