Hailing from Indonesia, the 10-year-old diet consists of rice, fish, beef, vegetable soup and a traditional soy patty. Technically, this amount of food is enough to feed two adults. The villagers who came to see him titled the kid as “The World’s Fattest Kid.”
Arya Permana, had to leave his school as he gets out of breath after taking few steps. Arya wears only a sarong because his parents no longer can find clothes that fit him.

Arya's mother assists him to bathe in a small pool out the front of their home

Arya’s mother assists him to bathe in a small pool out the front of their home. Image Credits : Daily Mail

‘He is always tired and complains of shortness of breath. He only eats and sleeps and when he is not done with both, he jumps into the bathtub and stays there for hours,’his worried mother Rokayah, said.

World's fattest child weighs 192 kilograms

World’s fattest child weighs 192 kilograms

Arya had gained weight at an abnormal rate for his age. Despite this, his parents said they were not worried initially as they were happy to see their son ‘healthy’. The young boy sleeps with his head leaned against a wall so that he is able to breathe easily but the posture has given him a permanent bruised forehead. The obese kid often experiences shortness of breath.

Mrs Rokayah, was left confused when a doctor during a recent hospital check-up declared Arya was “healthy”. She is clueless about the reason behind her son’s recent weight gain.

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