Five people from Kerala who were missing last year and are believed to have joined Daesh are reported to have been killed in Syria.
Siby of Kanjikode in Palakkad who is 32 years old had left home on June 2 last year. He told his family he was going to Oman to study religion. His last communication with the family was during the previous Ramzan. Even during that time, he did not give a clue to his family about his whereabouts.

According to sources, Siby was killed while fighting for the terror group Daesh, in Syria. On June 13, the relatives of the victim received information regarding his death in a text message. But his relatives did not share the information as it was the month of Ramzan. Later, Siby’s relatives had informed the police that he was missing.
According to the report in a popular news channel, Siby was working in Bahrain before joining Daesh in Syria.
Similarly, another person called Muhadis was killed in Aleppo city in Syria in a military operation.
Meanwhile, this year Abu Tahir from Palakkad district was killed in Syria in April in US military strikes.
The details of the other two people who were killed in Syria are not ascertained yet.
“The news is not authenticated. But the reports could be true as they were received by family circles,” a senior Kerala Intelligence official said.