Beijing, It looks as if the entire world is going gaga over Apple’s latest offering and China is not an exception. In a shocking incident two men in China’s Jiangsu province tried to sell their kidneys to purchase the iPhone 6s.

China Daily reported on Tuesday, a man named Wu and his friend wanted an iPhone 6s but could not afford it. Wu and his friend Huang suggested they sell a kidney each for money.

iPhone Fever: Two Chinese men try to sell kidneys to buy IPhone 6s

iPhone Fever: Two Chinese men try to sell kidneys to buy IPhone 6s

According to the reports, they found an illegal agent on the internet who asked them to take medical examinations at a hospital in Nanjing. But, when they arrived on September 12, the agent did not turn up as scheduled.

They later reconsidered selling the organs. Wu told his friend, Huang, to stop the plan but Huang did not listen. Unable to convince his friend, Wu then called the police, but Huang ran away and has been out of reach ever since.

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