Gurgaon: A three-year-old girl’s thumb was crushed at a daycare centre in Gurgaon which was amputated in the last week on April. The incident took place on April 28, says Shivani Sharma mother of the baby. She filed and FIR against the daycare owner. The incident came in light when Mrs. Shivani posted her child’s picture on Facebook. Her post have been shared by more than 9,000 people which made it viral.
Mrs. Sharma’s post read, Half an hour after I dropped little daughter Myra that day at the daycare, “Cherub Angel”, I received a call from a teacher about an “emergency” and when I reached the hospital, the doctors said that Myra’s thumb had been amputated.
Read: Eye Watering Story Of Mother Whose Daughter's Thumb Amputated At Daycare Centre
“It means the top half part of the thumb has been crushed and cut apart. I was told that another kid Kartik pushed door close and her finger came inside,” Ms Sharma said.
“Can you believe the situation when my three-year-old is in front of my eyes bleeding? The resident plastic surgeon told me that nothing can be done to broken thumb but only a surgery to close the cut. Which means for her whole life she will never have a full thumb nor any nail, instead she will have a round cut finger.”

Ms Sharma said the daycare owners came to her home on May 1, apologized and offered to pay for the child’s treatment. But since then we have not seen or heard back from them,” she alleged.
“These people are so heartless and professional that they are not even scared of god, law and society,” she wrote.

After she posted her message, Ms Sharma said, the daycare owner removed her profile and Facebook page. She has urged people to circulate her post on social media.

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