In an astonishing turn of events, a baby was born with a little more love than God intended to give it. The toddler has all of 31 fingers and toes put together! Yes, you read it right – the eight-month old baby has 15 fingers and 16 toes.

Born to a couple of migrant workers in the Zhongping village of the southern Hunan province China, this condition is known as polydactyly. His mother, who herself has one extra finger on each of her hands, also suffers from this condition. Polydactyly is an extremely rare symptom occurring in humans, with maximum deformation being one extra finger or toe. Its usual statistics are that of one in a 1000 births. But the seriousness of this case has made it a bigger issue.



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The baby is in need of immediate medical care as this could affect its ability to walk in the future. It has to definitely undergo surgery which will require the doctors to excise the extra digits and keep a check on the growth of the baby’s veins, nails, inner body joints, etc.. Seeing this, Ningbo Hospital came forward to help out the family and even reduce the costs for the surgery which is an estimated 85,000 pounds!

Dr. Xu Jihai, who is the surgeon in charge, plans to carry out the corrective surgery in three phases. The first of these phases is already done and if all goes well, the baby will be back to normal by the time it joins school. The hospital has also agreed to do follow up checks with the kid for the next 16 years.

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