Apple Launched its new devices iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus this year. Those fans who managed to pre ordered or stand in long queues, got their new smartphones when Apple opened their windows last Friday.


People were spotted camping outside Apple Stores to try their luck of becoming the first to grab this new inventory.


In New zealand, Some Costumers managed to get their hands on the devices without even leaving their Homes!


Spark Company in New Zealand, placed 100 Alpha 1 robots to stand in line in place of humans.



These robots are made by the Chinese company UBTECH and they were paired with Spark customers who could control the bot with a smartphone App.



These robots are designed to do push ups, Kung Fu, Yoga and even dance too.



Clive Ormerod, GM Customer and Marketing for Spark said “People will camp for days outside stores to get their hands on the latest devices. We thought, technology these days is so much more advanced than it used to be, so why shouldn’t our customers have their tech queue for them instead?”

And, those who had an Alpha 1 wait in line for them got to keep the bot once the phone finally went on sale.