A fast track court (FTC) in Warangal, on the 8th of August, announced the verdict for the Warangal rape case.

Praveen, the accused, was found guilty of raping a 9 month old girl and was sentenced to death.

On the 19th of June, Praveen allegedly kidnapped the baby when she was sleeping on the terrace of her home with her parents.

After kidnapping the baby, Praveen took her to an isolated area and sexually assaulted her.  When she started crying, he gagged her, due to which, she died. The family reported the incident to the Warangal Police Station and with the help of the Police, they found the baby, but she was already dead.

The Warangal Police arrested Praveen under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.

The judgement came 48 days after the incident took place.  Recently, on the 4th of July, a non governmental organisation (NGO) protested at Erramanzil grounds and demanded death penalty for Praveen.

The people of Telangana welcomed the judgement of the FTC.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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