Mr. V.C. Sajjanar, the Managing Director (MD) of the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC,) would appear before the Justice Sirpurkar commission.  The hearing would be related to the 2019 Disha Case Encounter, carried out by Mr. V.C. Sajjanar, the then Commissioner of Police (CP) of Cyberabad.

The three member commission was appointed by the Supreme Court (SC) to investigate the encounter of the accused in the Disha case.  After the encounter, many netizens and human rights associations filed a petition, demanding an investigation of the encounter.  They accused the police force of planning the encounter, even before the Judicial trials.

In Hyderabad, a brutal incident of gang rape was reported in 2019.   A 23 year old doctor was abducted and gang raped by a group of  men in a secluded area of Hyderabad outskirts.  Later, she was burnt alive by the accused.

The Hyderabad incident gained a lot of attention demanding strict punishment for the accused.  Speaking about the encounter, the Hyderabad Police during the investigation, took all the culprits to the crime spot for a recreation of the incident, then the accused tried to attack the police and escape, the police retaliated.  Mr. V.C. Sajjanar encountered and killed the accused on the spot.  Although the encounter was against the law, as no trials happened in the case, the Hyderabad Police gained appreciation from the public, for punishing the culprits of Disha (name given to the victim.) 

In today’s appearance, the commission would question the then Cyberabad Commissioner of Police who already received the summons.  The interrogation is expected to continue for the next three days, till the 7th of October.

It is learned that VC Sajjanar would be questioned in the case for three days.  Besides Mr. V.C. Sajjanar, Mr. Abdul Rahoof, the Additional Revenue Inspector of Farooq Nagar and two other police officials would appear before the commission.


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