Leaders of Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) unions are disappointed with E. Ashwathama Reddy, the Convenor of the Joint Action Committee (JAC.)

The TSRTC JAC decided to call off the strike without putting forward any condition.  This decision created differences between the TSRTC union leaders and the TSRTC JAC.

A few TSRTC leaders, on the 21st of November, criticised the JAC’s decision to call off the strike.  They said if the TSRTC employees would join duty without any benefits from the Government, it would be a waste of the 47 day strike.

The TSRTC employees called for a strike on the 5th of October, which entered its 49th day on the 22nd of November.

A leader of the JAC said, “The big question is what we have achieved by taking up a strike for 47 days. Some of our colleagues died of shock and some committed suicide worried over their future. Who is responsible for their death.”

K. Hanumantha, a union leader of the Telangana Jathiya Mazdoor Union (TJMU,) also slammed the JAC Convenor Ashwathama Reddy for stating the TSRTC employees would rejoin duty without any benefits for the TSRTC staff.

Hanumantha said, “Had if the JAC leaders agreed the deadline set by chief minister earlier many of our workers would not have died. The workers are facing problems because of the leadership of Ashwathama Reddy (the JAC Convenor.)”

While many criticised Ashwathama and the TSRTC JAC, many were in support and said the JAC took a good decision.

A senior TJMU leader, who wished to remain anonymous, said by deciding to call off the strike, the TSRTC would have a point to make in the next hearing.  He said if the strike continues for long, employees would face major problems, including financial and health issues. The leader said, “No one will deny if the workers are ready to join duties? If the Government denies, then the workers will have to approach the Supreme Court. According to the experts, the Apex Court will direct the Government to take the workers. Hence the ball is now in the court of Chief Minister.”

TSRTC JAC leaders are expected to meet K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana and resolve the issue soon.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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