E. Ashwathama Reddy, the Convenor of the Joint Action Committee (JAC,) is admitted at the Osmania General Hospital and is continuing his hunger strike against the Telangana Government.

On the 16th of November, Ashwathama Reddy went on an indefinite hunger strike against the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Government.

Ashwathama said he would stage the hunger strike until the TRS Government holds talks with the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) employees.

After dropping their major demand of merging the TSRTC and the State Government, the TSRTC JAC leaders urged the TRS Government to hold talks about the TSRTC employees’ remaining demands.  However, the State Government did not respond to the request yet.

Ashwathama was admitted to the hospital on the night of the 17th of November after he fell ill due to his hunger strike.  The Telangana Policearrested Ashwathama and admitted him to the hospital due to his deteriorating health condition, owing to diabetes and hypertension.

As of now, Ashwathama is in hospital and continuing his strike for the 3rd day.  The doctors at the hospital said if he continues his deeksha, his life could be in danger.

On the morning of the 18th of November, doctors forcibly administered saline to Ashwathama and asked him to eat something as his sugar levels were dropping. 

However, Reddy refused to eat food and told those who met him that he would continue to be on the hunger strike. 

M. Kodandaram, the President of the Telangana Jana Samithi (TJS,) went to meet Ashwathama and criticised the TRS Government for not responding.

Meanwhile, the Telangana High Court resumed the TSRTC strike hearing and refused to declare the strike illegal and also refused to issue a notice for the TRS to organise a meeting with the TSRTC staff.

The TRS did not respond to any of the demands of the TSRTC employees yet.

The TSRTC strike entered its 45th day on the 18th of November.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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