The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) postponed the scheduled Telangana Vijaya Garjana event to the 29th of November.

Initially, the grand event of the ruling TRS Government was organised for the 15th of November, but after the request of senior leaders, the Party postponed the event.

It is to be noted, senior leaders of the TRS like Mr. Errabelli Dayakar Rao, Mr. Satyavathi Rathod, Mr. Dasyam Vinayak Bhaskar and other leaders requested Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana to postpone the event.

The major reason behind their request was to celebrate the Deeksha Divas and organise the event on the same day. The KCR Government launched the Deeksha Divas to mark the fast unto death and sacrifices of the Telugu leaders, who died while on Deeksha for the Telangana movement.

The leaders who died during the Deeksha, demanding Telangana to be a separate State, are remembered on the day. On the 29th of November, 2009, the KCR led TRS and its leaders launched a Deeksha to protest and demand a separate Telangana state.

After the State was formed in 2014, the KCR Government started to celebrate the day as the Deeksha Divas, remembering leaders who died while fasting. In regard to celebrating the day, the senior leaders suggested KCR to celebrate Vijaya Garjana on the same day.

Responding positively to their request to hold the ‘Telangana Vijaya Garjana’, the Telangana Chief Minister decided to hold the mega meeting on the 29th of November in Warangal.

Now, the grand public meeting named ‘Telangana Vijaya Garjana’ has been organised to mark the completion of two decades (20 years) of formation of the TRS. The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) was formed on the 27th of April, 2001.

According to the TRS leaders, the grand celebration and public meeting would be attended by thousands of people. During the meeting, the TRS would showcase the achievements and the welfare activities under the leadership of Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the President of the TRS and the Pink Party. In addition, the meeting would also discuss the growth and the development of Telangana, after the TRS came into power and formed the State Government in 2014.

The TRS leaders and cadres are working to make the Vijaya Garjana meeting a grand success.

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