The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Members of Parliament (MPs) have raised their voices in both the houses of parliament demanding the centre to procure paddy from Telangana. As the Rajya Sabha was adjourned to tomorrow, the MPs in Lok Sabha staged a protest holding the placards in support of farmers.

A total of nine MPs from TRS party raised slogans against the central government holding the placards. They clarified that the struggle will be stopped until the centre does justice to the farmers. Enraged over the MPs behavior, the speaker adjourned the house for half an hour.

Meanwhile, Uttam Kumar Reddy, MP from Congress party also demanded the purchase paddy of monsoon soon besides providing no restrictions on paddy crop in Yasangi. Speaking during the zero hour, Uttam asked the TRS MPs to make the government purchase paddy by holding talks with the Chief Minister of Telangana. 

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