The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) issued a public notice in regard to the name change of the party to the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS.)   

Issued on the 7th of November, Monday, Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the President of the TRS< called for any objection from the public in regard to the name change.  As per the issued public notice, the TRS said, if anyone has any objection with the name change of the TRS to the BRS, one should raise their objections within 30 days, starting from the 7th of November, till the 7th of December. 

Recently on the 5th of October, the TRS announced to enter national politics with the new name of BRS, with an aim to expand its footprint across India, against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP.)    

During the name change, the TRS issued a resolution which read, “The TRS in its state general body meeting dated October 5, has passed a resolution to change the name of the party from TRS to the BRS.  To that effect, necessary amendments to the party Constitution have also been made in the same meeting.  The resolution and the amended party constitution is submitted.”

Meanwhile, after the recent conclusion of the Munugode by election, the TRS resumed the legal process of the name change to the BRS, from the TRS, and is scheduled to meet the Election Commission of India.

The name is likely to be changed in the coming days and the TRS is aiming to have a party symbol similar to the current symbol, the car.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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