The activist of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) and ministers intensified the protest across Telangana and burned effigies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 

On the 20th of December, Monday, Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana, called for a statewide protest and protest in Delhi against the pending Paddy procurement issue.  The matter is pending with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Central Government.  After repeated attempts, the Central Government refused to procure 100% rice from the farmers of Telangana.  Responding the refusal, the State Government decided to call for a protest.

Many unions and cadres participated in rallies organised across villages on Monday. A host of farmer unions joined the protests in solidarity.  Prime minister Narendra Modi’s effigies were burnt in several places along with Chavu dappu (death drum beats) and slogans against the Center reverberated all along with the rallies.

  With the protests on one side, six state cabinet ministers including the Minister for Agriculture S Niranjan Reddy, and the TRS MPs were in Delhi, to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Minister Piyush Goyal, to seek clarity on the Kharif (Vanakalam) rice procurement target for Telangana.

The State Finance minister Mr. T. Harish Rao along with TRS activists participated in the protest at the constituency. 

The BJP did not comment anything over the ongoing protest in Delhi and Telangana. 

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