After the victory of farmers and the decision of the Central Government to repeal the three farm laws, the Telangana Government is also hoping to get their demands approved.

The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) termed the victory as a great achievement for farmers.  The ruling Government of Telangana also said, after this, the Central Government should accept their demand and procure paddy from the farmers of Telangana.

The Agriculture Minister of Telangana Mr. Singireddy Niranjan Reddy, released a statement on Friday, the 19th of November.  He said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi understood the ground level situation in the country and apologised to farmers as well as people for bringing out the contentious laws.  He said, “The decision was long-pending. Farmers agitation could have been avoided had they repealed the laws earlier.”

In addition, Mr. Singireddy further added that the rulers should not take unilateral decisions and people’s acceptance was must for the government to sustain.   He said, “The PM is aware of Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao’s fighting spirit.  We are hopeful that the Centre will take a decision on paddy procurement before the farmers agitation intensifies in Telangana.”

Meanwhile, the Chief Minister of Telangana Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao has intensified the protest and soon going to stage dharna in Delhi.   In regard to this, he has been holding a series of meetings with agriculture experts and farmer association leaders to finalise an action plan.

The protest in Delhi would be finalised after the deadline of 72 hours given by the TRS would end. 

Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao asked the Central Government to take a stand on the paddy procurement issue and gave a 72 hour deadline. 

The deadline  given to the Centre to announce its policy on paddy procurement ends by Sunday, the 21st of November.

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