Mr. A. Revanth Reddy, the President of the Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) on the 28th of February, took a dig at the Chief Minister of Telangana Mr. K.Chandrashekar Rao.

On Monday, Mr. Revanth Reddy said Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao had a Bihari DNA, as he is working with Bihari officers like the Telangana Chief Secretary Mr. Somesh Kumar, the Director General of Police (DGP) Mr. Anjani Kumar and now the election strategist Mr. Prashant Kishor.

Addressing the media, the TPCC President said, KCR who used to bank votes on the basis of his welfare activities and schemes of his Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS,) now rope in strategist from Bihar, Mr. Prashant Kishore (PK.)  Attacking the TRS President and his Government, Mr. Revanth Reddy said, “The top post in state administration, that of the chief secretary has been given to Somesh Kumar who is from Bihar and in charge director general of police Anjani Kumar is also from Bihar.  Municipal administration principal secretary Arvind Kumar, Sandeep Kumar Sultania among others— all holding a major chunk of portfolios in the state administration are from Bihar. Our bureaucrats from Telangana like R S Praveen Kumar have been meted out a raw deal.”

Furthermore, the Indian National Congress (INC) leader said, “The ancestors of KCR belonged to Bihar, which he himself had admitted in an interview to a television channel in 2008 and that they had migrated to Telangana.  KCR, who used to bank on his welfare schemes to win elections, is now taking the help of a political strategist from Bihar in Prashant Kishor.” 

The satirical comments of Mr. A. Revanth Reddy came after he conducted a meeting with the INC cadres over the TPCC membership, in Secunderabad. Continuing his remarks against the TRS Government and KCR, Revanth Reddy reminded the people of Telangana about the governance in Bihar.  He said, “You all know how the politics of Bihar is run on the strength of the sword.  Violence mars elections.  Women cannot venture out safely during the night.  You all know how bad law and order is in Bihar.”

The TRS Government and KCR are yet to respond to the comments made by the opposition, the TPCC.

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