The Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) President Mr. A. Revanth Reddy is scheduled to organise a, ‘Dalit Girijana Dandora’ public meeting.

The largest public meeting organised by the Indian National Congress (INC) Telangana unit is to be held on the 9th of August, Monday. According to sources, the TPCC is leaving no stone unturned to strengthen the party roots in Telangana and is moving strategically. After the appointment of the new TPCC, A. Revanth Reddy, with the expected participation of 1 lakh people, the ‘Dalit Girijan Dandora’ is one of a kind public meeting to raise voices against the ruling Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Government, demanding welfare schemes to the Scheduled Castes (SCs,) the Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Tribals in Telangana.

After the announcement of the Dalit Bandhu Scheme, the opposition TPCC demanded the Government of Telangana to launch similar schemes for the SCs, the STs and the Tribals. Mr. Revanth Reddy and the TPCC demanded more reservation for the aforementioned class of people, schemes providing financial assistance, distribution of three acres lands and appointment of an individual of the Dalit Community to be the Chief Minister.

As of now, the Mulugu Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) Ms. Danasari Anasuya, popularly known as Seethakka, has been assigned to ensure the works of the Dalit Girijana Dandora meeting. With the meeting on the 9th of August, the Dalit Girijana Dandora movement would begin and is scheduled to continue till the 17th of September. The 40 days movement is to oppose anti Dalit programme by the ruling Telangana Government.

The decision to appoint Ms. Seethakka as the incharge of the event was due to his stronghold on the particular community. As of now, Ms. Seethakka is staying in the united Adilabad district and preparing for the meeting.

The upcoming grand public meeting is scheduled to be held in Indravelli village of Adilabad district.

However, the tribals of the State and a few tribal associations are against the launch date of the month long event. They said, “August 9 is celebrated as World Adivasi Day and it is like a festival for Adivasis. B y organizing a political programme on the same day, the Congress party is politically hijacking the day and we are opposing it.”

They also opposed the efforts of the INC bringing both Adivasis and Lambadas together and gathering 1 lakh people. The Adivasi Hakkula Porata Samithi Adilabad unit President Mr. Godam Ganesh said, “This is absolutely wrong and the Congress president needs to get his facts right.” He said the Lambadas never participated in any agitation along with the Adivasis.

Considering the difference between Aadivasi and Lambadas, bringing both the communities’ people together would be a tough task for the TPCC planning for the agitation event.

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