Mr. Uttam Kumar Reddy, the former Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) President is selected as a member of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) member.

On the 2nd of September, the National Indian National Congress (INC) party announced Mr. Uttam Kumar Reddy as the 8th member of the recently formed AICC Committee. It is to be noted, the organised committee would work for the future action of the INC for agitations and other issues against the Central Government.

The constituted committee would plan for agitations on national issues. The committee is headed by Mr. Digvijay Singh, who would prepare the agitation programmes. Ms. Sonia Gandhi, the interim President of the INC ordered the formation of the committee, specially for planning agitations regarding national issues.

The General Secretary of the AICC Mr. K.C. Venugopal issued the order regarding the committee. The issued order read, “Hon’ble Congress President has constituted the following committee to plan sustained agitations on national issues with immediate effect.”

The members of the committee are:

Mr. Digvijay Singh

Ms. Priyanka Gandhi

Mr. Uttam Kumar Reddy

Mr. Manish Chatrath

Mr. B.K. Hariprasad

Mr. Ripun Bora

Mr. Udit Raj

Ms. Ragini Nayak

Mr. Zuber Khan

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