In Telangana’s Nalgonda district, a reactor blast was reported, injuring as many as six people.  The unfortunate blast occurred in a company Hindays Labs on the outskirts of Velminedu of Chityal Mandal in the Nalgonda district in the late evening of the 24th of August, Wednesday.

According to sources, the injured were rushed to a private hospital Kamineni Institute of Medical Science (KIMS) for treatment.  While five blast victims are said to be stable, one sustained serious injuries and is in critical health condition.  The injured were identified as plant manager Laxmi Reddy, chemist Subhan(22,) helpers Md. Yahid (37,) Mohan(25,) Baldev (35) and Raj Kumar(30).  The condition of Laxmi Reddy is said to be serious. The company authority did not allow 108 ambulances and rushed all the victims to a private hospital.  

Meanwhile, after the incident,  Mr. Jaganadha Rao, the Revenue Divisional Officer of Nalgonda said that six people were injured in the fire accident. He added, “We are inquiring into the incident, he added. There was no loss of lives as reported in a section of media.”

Ms. Rema Rajeshwari, the Superintendent of Police, Nalgonda, said, “All injured were rushed to a local hospital for treatment.  At least one is critical.  The case is to be registered, further probe is on.” 

Furthermore, a detailed clarity in the matter, regarding the number of workers present in the factory at the time of the accident, the reason behind the unfortunate fire and others are awaited.

On the other hand, villagers and workers of the Hindays lab gathered outside the factory and protested and demanded details of the incident, including names of the workers inside the factory, even after hours of the fire accident.

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