The Telugu State of Telangana stands second in the growth rate of income from the agriculture sector in India.

Mr. K.T. Rama Rao, the Information Technology and Urban Development Minister, took to Twitter and posted a tweet, “#Telangana ranked second in the country in farmers’ income growth”

Telangana’s income growth in the agriculture sector is 6.59 % in 2019-2020. While Telangana is second in growth rate of farmer’s income, Tripura is first with 6.87% income rate growth, followed by Telangana/Sikkim (Sikkim also secured second place with 6.59 per cent growth rate) and Andhra Pradesh 5.41 %.

According to sources, only 11 Indian states have more than 3 % growth rate of income from the agriculture sector. In another 10 Indian states have the worst rate, which is -3.6 % to 1 %.

In 2020, Telangana contributed Rs. 1,35,109 crores to the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) for the Central Government.

Despite the ongoing Wuhan virus pandemic, the Telugu State’s economy increased, especially in the agriculture sector. The economic growth rate combined with all the agriculture allied sectors increased by 21%. The improvement and development of Telangana agriculture sector is said to be due to the new agriculture schemes and activities introduced by Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana.

The cultivation of paddy and other crops is also a major reason behind the growth of the agriculture sector of Telangana.

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