The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination for academic year 2020-2021 would be held in May 2021.

Due to the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19, the education system in India suffered a lot.

Therefore, the Telangana Government decided to reduce the syllabus by 30 % and delayed the examination to May 2021.

According to the Telangana Education Department, the SSC examinations are likely to begin on the 17th of May 2021, whereas the first and second formative assessments are expected to be held on the 15th of March 15 and the 15th of April respectively.

As per the academic calendar issued by the Telangana Education Department, SSC exams are scheduled to be held from May 17th to the 26th of May.

In addition, after the approval of K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana, schools in Telangana would reopen from the 1st of February.

Summer vacation would be from the 27th of May to the 13th of June.

The proposed schedule has been sent to State Government and the department is waiting for an approval.

In addition, the Telangana Education Department directed schools not to stop any student from appearing the examination on the grounds of minimum attendance criteria.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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