Mr. Mahender Reddy, the Telangana Director General of Police (DGP,) released the crime rate data for 2022.  On the 29th of December, Thursday, the Telangana DGP, said that the crime rate has increased by 4.44% compared to last year (2021)in the Telugu State. The DGP released the Annual Crime Report 2022 and said that cybercrime have increased by 57%. 

Stating that 120 Maoists have been surrendered this year, the DGP also added that the anti-Maoist operations were carried out successfully under the government’s orders to make the state Maoist-free.  He said that the Telangana police department has gone ahead as part of the goal of providing uniform services across the State

The DGP said that steps have been taken to prevent communal clashes from happening across the state. He said that CI cell and intelligence system has worked very well. DGP Mahender Reddy said that peace and security has been maintained. The DGP said that the conviction rate increased from 50 to 56% with 152 people were sentenced to life imprisonment.  

DGP Mahender Reddy said, “We solved 18,234 cases through CC cameras, 431 people have been sent to jail under the PD Act, 6,157 complaints were filed at She Teams from across the state, out of which 2,128 cases registered.”

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