Amid Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February, Telangana police and traffic police are on alert to tackle the rush at public places, restaurants and Hussain Sagar, avoiding any trouble.

Elaborate security arrangements have been made at various recreational hubs in Hyderabad. Besides, multiplexes, pubs, restaurants, parks and shopping malls are also under security. Police patrolling has also been increased at various places including Necklace Road and Tank Bund, to ensure no Bajrang Dal, also known as anti romeo squads, are creating trouble for the public.

It is to be noted, the security has been beefed up after recently, on the 12th of February, Bajrang Dal members staged a protest against Valentine’s Day in Hyderabad. They requested the government to declare February 14 as Amar Jawan Diwas and burnt greeting cards and effigies of Valentine at Abids Circle in Hyderabad on Saturday.

Mr. Kailash, a member of the Dal said, “Valentine’s day celebrations are being imposed in the country. The multinational companies in the name of greeting cards and private album songs are earning a lot of money. The Bajrang Dal wants to give the message that in India there are many love stories like Ramayana and Mahabharata.” He further reminded about the sacrifice of soldiers who lost their lives on the 14th of February, Pulwama attack. He said, “More than 40 soldiers sacrificed lives in Pulwama, so the youth needs to understand and take these soldiers as the inspiration, not Valentine’s Day. We request the Centre and Telangana government to declare February 14 as Amar Jawan Diwas.”

The 14th of February, remembered for St. Valentine is the day for love, celebrated in India, as well as internationally.

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