The Telangana Police organized a state level conference on ‘Anti Human Trafficking Rescue, Rehabilitation’.

The event was held at Telangana State Police Academy on the 6th of June, Tuesday, as part of the 10 year celebrations of the Telangana State Formation.  Mr. Anjani Kumar, the Director General of Police (DGP) of Telangana  said that Telangana ranks first among the country in taking strict action against human trafficking.  He also highlighted how human trafficking has become the third largest organized crime in the world. 

During the conference, Mr. Anjani Kumar emphasized on the need for active investigation and the need of voluntary organizations to work together to prevent human and child trafficking.  In addition, Ms. Shikha Goel, the Director General (DG) of Women Safety,  said that the women safety wing works as a nodal agency in the state for all activities to prevent human trafficking.  She further informed that Telangana is the first state to have anti human trafficking units functioning in all police districts and that Telangana police is following a zero tolerance policy towards human trafficking.

Speaking of the solved cases, Ms, Shikha Goel said, in the last two years, approximately 738 cases have been registered and 1,961 accused have been arrested.  In addition, 110 accused are detained under the Preventive Detention Act. 

Besides Human Trafficking, the Telangana Police officials also spoke about preventive measures to be taken to curb organ trading in the State.

As per source, Telangana stands at the 4th position in terms of human trafficking crimes in India, whereas the State of Maharashtra has the highest number of human trafficking cases in India.

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