After Japan’s Daifuku, another company Nicomac Taikisha Cleanrooms announced to invest in Telangana.  

On the 14th of December, Wednesday, Nicomac Taikisha Cleanrooms, announced that they would invest Rs. 126 crores in Hyderabad, the Capital City of Telangana.  With this investment, the Japanese company would set up its third manufacturing facility in Hyderabad.

Mr. K.T. Rama Rao, the Information Technology and Urban Development Minister of Telangana, took to Twitter and announced the same, welcoming Nicomac Taikisha Cleanrooms.  The company is a 110 year old engineering company, which recently acquired Nicomac Cleanrooms and became Noicomac Taikisha Cleanrooms.

Taikisha is a pioneer in setting up cleanrooms and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning for electronic devices, lithium-ion battery manufacturing, the food industry and hydroponic farming.  

Meanwhile, as of now, Taikisha is operating two manufacturing units at IDA Bollaram in Hyderabad.  Now, it proposed a third manufacturing unit, to expand its cleanroom production and to start producing HVAC systems by transferring technology from Japan.  The new production output from the new manufacturing facility is expected to be ready by next year and would cater to Indian, Japanese and Asian markets.

The new facility in Telangana would be a major output for Indian markets, as well as export abroad.

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