On the 3rd of February, the Telangana Police registered a case against Raghunandan Rao, a local leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP.)

According to the registered complaint, Raghunandan Rao raped a woman in the year 2007.

The woman filed a case against Raghunandan Rao, a 47 year old advocate and a current local BJP leader.

In her report, the woman said in 2007, Raghunandan Rao called her to his office and spiked her coffee.  She said Raghunandan Rao raped her when she was unconscious. 

However, Raghunandan Rao denied all the allegations and said they are false.

Raghunandan Rao was associated with the woman professionally when he represented her in a case against her husband in 2003.  In 2003, the woman filed a harassment case against her husband and Raghunandan Rao was her advocate for the maintenance case.

Soon, Raghunandan Rao, in return for defending and fighting her case, asked her for sexual favours.  The woman also said Raghunandan also started threatening her with inappropriate photos and blackmailed her by saying he would publish those photos online.

This is not the first time the woman filed a case against the BJP leader.  In January 2020, the woman filed a petition with the Telangana State Human Rights Commission.  In her petition, she alleged Rao of demanding sexual favours for fighting the maintenance case against her husband.

The Telangana State Human Rights Commission directed the Telangana Police to register a case against the advocate and start an investigation.  The Human Rights Commission also asked the Police to submit a report to them about the action taken by the Police.

The Telangana Police filed a case of rape and blackmail against the BJP leader under the relevent sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC.)

The investigation against BJP leader Raghunandan Rao is underway.

Stay tuned for further updates.


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