The Telangana Government led by the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS,) is a role model for the nation in terms of welfare and development programmes in India.

The BRS leaders said that Telangana stands as a role model for the country in the implementation of welfare and development programmes.  It is to be noted, under the leadership of Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana, the State has developed in various sectors.  Furthermore, during the eight years rule of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) now known as the BRS, KCR launched several welfare programmes, schemes for the poor in the State, attracted huge investments and other benefits to the people of Telangana.

According to a document released by the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO,) the results of welfare schemes in the lives of the lower classes.  The State Government has been providing financial security to poor families who are facing insecurity, the elderly, widows, disabled, Filariasis victims, single women, toddy tappers, handloom workers, beedi workers, AIDS patients, senior artists and dialysis patients across Telangana. 

Some of the major schemes launched under the tenure of KCR are ‘Kalyan Lakshmi’, and ‘Shadi Mubarak’, which addressed the difficulties faced by the poor, who are unable to get their daughters married.  The government has strengthened the irrigation sector by giving it top priority.  In addition, under the ‘Mission Kakatiya’ scheme, the State Government revived ponds and water bodies and reinforced pond embankments. 

Moreover, the world’s largest Kaleswaram Lift irrigation project was launched and achieved remarkable results in the field of agriculture, helping the farmers of Telangana.  In addition, giving attention to the State Health Sector, the BRS Government launched various Dawa Khanas, public health centres and other facilities at state run hospitals.

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