Eatala Rajendar, the Health Minister of Telangana, on the 3rd  of February, appealed to the Health Department of Telangana, to be on alert.

After India reported 3 positive cases of the Novel Coronavirus, Telangana Health Minister asked the State hospitals and the Health department to be on alert until the coronavirus is in the India.

Eatala Rajendar visited the State run Gandhi hospital to supervise the arrangements at the hospital to screen the coronavirus suspected patients.

The hospital authority with the senior doctors also made special arrangements at the laboratory which now has the coronavirus diagnostic kits that confirm the coronavirus.

Meanwhile, the State run Gandhi authority, from the 3rd of February, began to collect the samples of the persons admitted to the hospital suspecting being infected by the virus.

Mr. Eatala urged all the citizens of Telangana to be cautious about the virus, which killed 300 plus people in China and infected 14,000 patients so far.\

The Indian Government is also trying to evacuate Indians stuck in Wuhan, China, the Novel Coronavirus affected Country.

Beside China, the virus has affected 26 other countries including India.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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