Etela Rajender, the Health Minister of Telangana, on the 15th of March, spoke about the pandemic disease, the Novel Coronavirus also known as COVID-19.

During the Assembly session, Mr. Rajender assured 95 % cure of the Novel Coronavirus.  He said none of the positive cases of Telangana were residing in the State but came from Italy, Dubai and Saudi Arabia.   Highlighting the fact 85 % of infected people did not know about the disease, Etela Rajender said the disease entered the State due to people who travelled to Telangana from different countries.

Mr. Rajender said 95 % of cases could be cured by general physicians and there is no need to panic as the virus dies within the body in 14 days, with proper care and treatment.   Emphasising on the suspects of Coronavirus, Etela Rajender said out of several suspects one positive case was found and kept in isolation under doctor’s observation at Gandhi Hospital.

The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) organised special isolation wards in King Koti Hospital and Gandhi hospital, whereas tests were conducted at Vikarabad hospitals.

Meanwhile, the Telangana Government on the 14th of March announced shut down of theatres, shopping malls, parks and other public places till the 31st of March.  The Government also suspended travel to Hyderabad from different countries in the wake of the deadly virus.

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