The Telangana High Court (HC,) reviewed the status report of the Wuhan virus (COVID-19) treatment for children.

During the hearing, on the 7th of January, the Telangana HC said, Niloufer hospital, the only exclusive children’s hospital in the State to attend COVID-19 patients,is not enough amid COVID-19 surge. The High Court bench led by Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and Justice Abhinand Kumar Shavili reviewed the report submitted by the State Public Health Director, Dr. G. Srinivasa Rao.

The HC bench asked the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Government to look into the matter and see if they could establish another hospital for treating COVID-19 infected children. The court lashed out at the K. Chandrashekar Rao Government for not conducting enough tests, especially when the State is witnessing a massive surge in COVID-19.

The bench asked the TRS Government to increase daily tests, especially at railway stations, bus stations, and state borders. The bench also instructed the state government to discourage both religious and political meetings. The state must ensure that no crowding takes place at malls and theaters.

Meanwhile, on the 7th of January, Friday, Telangana recorded 2,295 COVID-19 cases, 3 fatalities and 278 recoveries. The new figures were confirmed by the Telangana Health Department, in a media bulletin, released on the evening of Friday.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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