The Telangana High Court (HC) has issued orders adjourning the hearing of a petition filed by Mr. Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the Telangana President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) unit.

On the 11th of April, the Telangana HC reviewed a petition filed in connection with the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Class X paper leak issue.  During the court hearing, the advocate general representing the Telangana Government and the State Police informed the court that Bandi Sanjay was already out on bail.  The lawyer for the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) Government said Bandi Sanjay was not cooperating with the police investigation and further action will be taken if he does not hand over his phone. Furthermore, the advocate of the State Government urged the court to cancel the given bail to Mr. Bandi Sanjay Kumar.

In this regard, the Telangana High Court has issued directions to the State Government to file an affidavit on the cancellation of the bail of Bandi Sanjay.  

With the aforementioned court proceedings, the Telangana High Court adjourned the matter to the 21st of April.

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