Reacting to the criticism of Mr. Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, regarding no development in Telangana, the State Government took a dig.

The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Government said, “What he did not say, however, was that it was the pro-active governance of the same TRS-led government that is being praised by investors across the world, most of them choosing Telangana over the BJP-ruled Karnataka and Gujarat for investments.  Modi did not have to look to far behind to know this, but just check the kind of investments that have been announced in Telangana just in the last one month.”

Recently, during a public meeting in Telangana, Mr. Narendra Modi said, there was no development in Telangana and that the Telangana Rashtra Samithi had betrayed the people.

Reacting to this, Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana, said, “If that was not enough, he could check what investors like Sabu Jacob of the Kerala-based Kitex Group are saying about Telangana.”

Kitex Garment Limited said it is all set to commence production at its plant in the Warangal Kakatiya Textile Park with a decision of investment.   

Mr. M. Jacob, the Chairman of the Kitex Garment Limited said, “We have invested Rs.3,000 crore in Telangana.  In February, our unit in Warangal will start production. Our next factory is coming up in Hyderabad where the Government has allotted us 250 acres.  Our factories are going to be the first of its kind in the world, with all the latest machinery and facilitie.”

The TRS Government also highlighted another company, American Electric also decided to invest.  Recently, two months back, Mr. Henry Fisker, the Chief Executive Officer of American electric vehicle maker, established its Indian headquarters in Hyderabad in April and praising the pro active government in Telangana.

Highlighting facts and recent investments, the TRS Government said, “It is not just big corporate giants, but startups that have made it big are also hailing the State.”

The TRS referred to Hyderabad-based Keka HR raising about Rs.470 crores.   In the last one month, many international and national majors announced their plans to invest in Telangana. Some of the companies include, Attero India’s Rs.600 crore, Indian Indian Immunologicals animal vaccine facility worth Rs.700 crore, Gemini Edibles and Fats edible oil refinery at Rs. 400 crore, Malabar Group with Rs.750 crore, Hetero’s Rs.600 crore, Rx-Propellant’s Rs.900 crore, and so on.  The total investment of these company increased to Rs.3,950 crores in just one month.

FUrthermore, companies like GV Research Platform announced its facility worth Rs.40 crore and announced plans of investment of Rs. 800 crore over the next three years.  In addition, Yapan Bio also announced Rs.856 crore investment.  

The TRS Government further said, Mr. Narendra Modi who is questioning the growth and Teolangan could check the approvals issued by the website of the State’s TS-I pass initiative for start ups.  The State Government has approved TS-I Pass for approximately 2,156 industries in 2022, for investments worth Rs.17,326 crores.

The statement came after PM Narendra Modi said Telangana is no where developing and the TRS Government is betraying all its people with no fulfilment of growth promises.

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