The K. Chandrashekar Rao led Telangana Government is making an elaborate arrangements to make the Telangana Rashtra Avatharana Dasabdhi Utsavalu in Telangana.

In regard to this, recently Ms. Santhi Kumari, the Chief Secretary of Telangana, held a coordination meeting and discussed the arrangements to be made for the 21 day grand event.  The utsavalu would be held throughout the state for long 21 days starting from the 2nd of June.

Discussed in the meeting, the Chief Secretary stated that arrangements should be made in a grand manner by highlighting the achievements of each department during the last nine years of the formation of the state.  The celebration would mark the 10 years of the Telangana Formation, focussing on the leadership of Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana, and the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) Government.  Major highlights would be the welfare schemes and other laws, introduced for the people of Telangana.

Ms. Santhi Kumar said, documentaries should be prepared by every department at the state level depicting facts, figures and the achievements during the last nine years.  All the important public monuments and buildings should be illuminated on all the days. Apart from the events at the state level, similar events at the district, constituency and mandal levels will also be held.  Several sub committees were constituted for the smooth conduct of the 21 day utsavalu.

Ahead of the elections in 2023, the celebration starting from the 2nd of June, could be a major boost for the ruling BRS Government, making the event a platform to showcase the achievements of the Telangana Government.

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