The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Government announced to revoke Government Order (GO) 111.  Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao took the decision during a Cabinet meeting, held on the 12th of April, Tuesday.

According to sources, GO 111 was issued in 1996 to prevent extreme industrialization and heavy construction activities in 83 villages and pollution of Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar.

It is to be noted, that the KCR Government recently in the Telangana Assembly Session announced that they would revoke the order soon.  However, an official announcement and orders were awaited.

In the recently held Assembly sessions, CM KCR had stated that the government will soon revoke GO 111.  Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao said, “The GO had been issued to protect the Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar, which at that point of time, catered to drinking water needs of people of the Greater Hyderabad region but as the government had overcome the drinking water problem, the GO has become redundant.” 

It is to be noted, that around 1,32,600 acres of land are under GO 111, covering 83 villages and 7 Mandals.  Assuring water supply, the Telangana CM said, “Hyderabad will not face any water problems for another 100 years as the water is being drawn from Sunkishala and Mallanna Sagar to provide water supply to the city.”

While the TRS Government is set to dismiss GO 111, many environmentalists suggested that scrapping GO 111 would be dangerous for Hyderabad.   Environment activist Lubna Sarwath said  KCR’s decision to do away with the GO 111 that protected the Nizam-era’s two major reservoirs, the Himayat Sagar and the Osman Sagar, can prove detrimental to the City.  She further added, “The Chief Minister should take the public opinion.  He cannot repeal the GO by simply stating that the Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar have become redundant.  It is an unscientific reason.  The committee that was appointed to study the twin reservoirs also has to be dissolved and a new expert committee should be formed in its place.” 

The official order to revoke the GO 111 is awaited.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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