Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan, the Governor of Telangana, once again, showed a kind gesture and helped a severely injured man.

In a road accident near Kattankulathur region, Chennai, Dr. Tamilisai Soundarajan, stopped her convoy and extended first aid help to a severely injured man.  The accident victim whose identity is not confirmed was lying on road and was bleeding when Ms. Tamilisai Soundararajan spotted and asked to stop her convoy.  Her doctor instinct came in action, as she dressed the wound of the accident victim, who was said to be on his two wheeler, travelling from Pondicherry to Chennai.

Not only Ms. Tamilisai Soundararajan helped him with the first aid, but also arranged an ambulance to shift him to Sri Ramaswamy Memorial  (SRM) Hospital in Chennai.  The victim is said to have received treatment and is under stable condition.

Meanwhile, locals, present at the accident site, recorded a video of the incident and praised the Telangana Governor for her gesture.  The shared video went viral on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

After the incident, Ms. Tamilisai Soundararajan tweeted, “Enroute #Chennai from #Puducherry, immediately stopped my car on seeing a seriously injured road accident victim. Gave first aid & made arrangements for hospitalization, spoke to hospital authorities for necessary treatment. – Timely help for road accident victims saves lives (sic).”

This is not the first time, Ms. Tamilisai Soundararajan performed her doctor duties and helped injured, medically unstable people in emergency situations.

Earlier, Ms. Tamilisai Soundararajan helped a man in an aeroplane, after he was feeling unstable and gave the man medical treatment.

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