In another shocking incident, an intermediate student committed suicide, at her residence in Bharat Nagar, Hyderabad.

Getting into the details, the incident occurred on the night of the 7th of June, Wednesday, when the victim identified as Navya was alone at home.  She allegedly hanged herself to death at her house.

What came as a shock was that Navya’s parents made serious allegations and blamed “Kshudra Pooja” (Black Magic) to be the reason behind her daughter’s death.  In a first information report (FIR) registered with the local police, Navya’s parents said some unidentified individuals performed black magic rituals in front of their house, leaving behind lemons, black coloured dolls and lamps near the entrance.  Her family members said that she got scared after the incident and got depressed, leading to her unfortunate death.

The police have registered a case, taken custody of the body for a postmortem and launched an investigation.

Meanwhile, this is another incident of suicide in the Telugu State of Telangana, in just few days.  Earlier, a medical student allegedly committed suicide at her hostel room.


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