The Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE,) on the 23rd of May, announced the Common Entrance Tests (CET) to be held from the 1st of July in Telangana.

The exams were scheduled to be held early, but due to the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus they had to be postponed.  

Below are the courses for which CET tests would be held from the 1st of July:

  •  Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) – 6th of July to 9th of July.
  •  Engineering Common Entrance Test (ECET): the 4th of July.
  •   Integrated Common Entrance Test (ICET) : the 13th of July.
  •  Physical Education Common Entrance Test (PECET): the 16th of July.
  •  Postgraduate Engineering Common Entrance Test (PGECET) July 1st to 3rd July
  • Education Common Entrance Test (EdCET): the 15th of July.
  •   Law Common Entrance Test (LAWCET) : the 10th of July
  • PG Law Common Entrance Test (PG LAWCET): the 10th of July

T. Papi Reddy, the Chairman of the TSCHE , confirmed the news and said, the Education department has made all the arrangements regarding the exams.


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