Concerned with the rising number of the Wuhan virus, (COVID-19) cases and its new variant Omicron, the Telangana Government issued an alert.

As per the media sources, the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Government alerted people amid the possible third wave of COVID-19, in January miThe Telangana Health Department urged people to be cautious as the cases could reach their peak during Makar Sankranti (Pongal) in mid January.

Professor Siva Athreya of the Indian Statistical Institute and Professor Rajesh Sundaresan of the Indian Institute of Science (IISC,) Bengaluru, suggested that the situation would be worse in the third and the fourth week of January. 

Mr. Siva Athreya and Mr. Rajesh Sundaresan presented a model (pattern of infection spread.)  As per the model, it has three scenarios, which is 30% or 60% or 100% of the population could get infected based on the past infection spread and vaccination rate.  The worst scenario is 100%  population getting infected, especially when the  new variant, Omicron, spreads 1.41 times faster than Delta.

The experts also said the state might see the most optimistic scenario of 6,000 to 7,000 COVID-19 cases per day during the peak situation.  So far, Telangana has seen the worst of 10,000 cases per day during the second wave of COVID-19 in May 2021.

Meanwhile, the Director of Public Health and Welfare of Telangana Dr. G. Srinivasa Rao also issued an alert, stating, the cases would rise in January and February.  Addressing a press conference, Mr. Srinivasa Rao said, “There are a lot of festivals coming in the next two months where there will be gatherings with family and friends, so please follow the covid appropriate behaviour and the people who haven’t got a jab, should get the vaccination done.”  Speaking about the preparation of Telangana Government to tackle the COVID-19 third wave, Mr. Rao said, “Telangana government is fully geared up for any eventuality, we intensified Vaccination programs, yesterday we are able to do around 3.15 lakh doses across Telangana state.  In the coming days, we are going to further increase the Vaccination doses.”

The third wave is predicted to be short but increases rapidly within the time. 

While the cases are expected to rise in the third or fourth week of January, the cases may fall by mid of February and by March 2021.

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