K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana, on the 13th of March, announced to hike power tariffs and property taxes in Telangana.

Explaining the necessity to do so, KCR said the hike in power tariffs and property taxes would help to provide better services to the citizens of Telangana.  It would also help to develop the State’s economy making Telangana top in development and growth.

Speaking during the ongoing Budget session of the Telangana Assembly, Mr. Rao, urged the citizens to bear the increased tariff and tax for their State’s development.   However, Mr. Rao cleared, the hike is not going to affect the underprivileged section of the State and would not burden people.

Mr. Rao said, “We need to increase taxes to provide better governance and services to the people.  We do not want to keep people in the dark with regard to hike in power tariff and property taxes. At the same time, power tariff will not be hiked for underprivileged sections like Dalits and tribals.  Tax hikes will be imposed on only those who can afford to pay. (The Telangana) Chief Minister said the State Government will implement the Panchayat Raj Act also.”

Highlighting about the Panchayat Raj Act, KCR said the Act would help to curb any kind of irregularities and corruption within the system and would aim towards transparent government.

Mr. Rao said,  “Irresponsibility, irregularities or corruption will not be tolerated.  Both sarpanches and the officials need to discharge their duties responsibly.  Otherwise action will be initiated against them as per the new Panchayat Raj Act,.” 

The Telangana Budget session started on the 7th of March and is expected to continue till the 20th of March.

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