In Telangana, Musi Project gates were lifted by the project engineers, on the 27th of June, Monday.

The decision to lift the gates was taken after water levels reached the maximum storage capacity of 644.6 feet against 645 feet whole reservoir level, in Nalgonda district, Telangana. 

Currently, water storage touched 4.36 TMCs against a total storage capacity of 4.46 TMCs.

Meanwhile, the Musi Project officials had alerted the people living in downstream areas a few days ago, amid continuous rainfall in the Telugu State.  The  Musi Project engineers also said, considering the situation, there would be a chance that the dam authority would lift the gates of the project at any point in time.

It is to be noted, that due to rain in the last two days, the inflow to the project again increased, which prompted the project officials to lift the project gates.

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