Starting from the 29th of December, Telangana is likely to witness temperature below 3° Celsius this week.

The Meteorological Centre Hyderabad forecasted weather situation for the next five days. According to the weather forecast, parts of Telangana are likely to experience temperatures as low as 3 to 4° C in the morning hours and night times.

Shallow mist and fog with dry weather would be seen due to the Eastern/ Southeastern winds.

Usual minimum temperature in Hyderabad is close to 15 to 17° C with fog.

Cold waves, foggy mornings and shallow mist is common during winters. However this year, due to the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19, the concerned authority asked people to stay cautious and avoid being affected by the cold wave.

The temperature in Telangana is 16°.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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