In Telangana’s Hyderabad region, an 8 year old boy died after a chocolate bar stuck in his throat.

According to sources, 8 year old Sandeep Singh, a resident of the Warangal region, was having a bar of chocolate, which his father brought him from abroad.  However, he started choking after having it.  His family rushed him to the MGM Hospital in Warangal, where doctors declared him dead.

Getting into the details, the police said, Sandeep’s family, a native of Rajasthan, migrated to Telangana, 20 years back and since then, they were residing in Warangal town on Hyderabad.  Moreover, the incident happened at school, when he had the bar and started suffocation amid choking.  The School management informed his parents and they rushed him to the hospital, where doctors tried to save Sandeep, but could not.

Furthermore, the police has registered a case and launched an investigation.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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