As many as 29 students of a Telangana Government run residential school tested positive for the deadly Wuhan virus (COVID-19.)

On the 22nd of November, students of the State run Residential School and Junior College for Girls in Telangana’s Khammam district tested positive for COVID-19.  The new cases of the Wuhan virus created panic amongst the people, especially parents of the students in Khammam. 

According to sources, the school authorities conducted tests for all the students after a couple of students showed COVID-19 symptoms.  It is to be noted, a total of 550 students are studying in the school and junior college of the residential school of Khammam. 

Mr. B. Malathi, the District Medical and Health Officer (DMHO) confirmed the situation of the COVID-19 positive students and said, they are fine and are quarantined. 

After 29 students reported COVID-19 positive, parents of students who tested negative, also took their wards home for their safety.  This is the first report of COVID-19 positive cases after the Telangana Government reopened schools and colleges in the Telugu State.  Although the State is under control in terms of the Wuhan virus situation, the incident prompted panic.  The concerned authorities decided to ramp up COVID-19 preventive measures in residential schools with extra precautions. 

In addition, senior officials from various departments of the TRS Government, visited the school and conducted inspections.  They asked the school authority to take preventive measures like maintaining social distance, wearing of masks and use of sanitiser.

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