In another shocking incident, a college student died by committing suicide in Telangana.

On the 14th of June, Wednesday, Deepika (17,) a first year Pre University Course (PUC) Student of  the Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge and Technologies (RGUKT) in Basara, committed suicide.  

Getting into the details, Deepika was in the washroom and when she did not come out for more than an hour, the authorities broke the door and found her hanging from the ceiling fan.  She was immediately rushed to a nearby government hospital, where the doctors declared Ddeepika  brought dead.  The victim was a native of Sangareddy district and was allegedly suffering from mental strain.

The incident is said to have occurred around 2:00 A.M., whereas other details are yet to be known.  Soon, police rushed to the spot and registered a case for further investigation.

Meanwhile, in Telangana, the cases of students committing suicide is rising drastically.  In the last one month, more than 4 cases of suicide was reported, of which two were from the RGUKT, in Nirmal.

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